A legal entity acts through two bodies of individuals: its shareholders and its board of directors. The board of directors is responsible for the management of the activities of the business, such as making the strategic and operational decisions. In this article, our company formation advisors in Lebanon briefly present the status of company directors in…
In connection with hiring Lebanese workforce, the minimum wage in the public and private segment is established by the local government after discussing with employers and employees. The minimum wage in this country was last increased in 2012. In this article, our company formation advisors in Lebanon explain various aspects related to hiring Lebanese…
Foreign citizens who intend to live and work in the country must obtain a temporary residence visa in Lebanon. In this article, our company formation agents in Lebanon explain a few aspects related to this visa and the requirements which have to be met in order to obtain it. More details on the…
The ITC (information technology) industry in Lebanon is growing at a rapid rate, having a market size of USD 436.2 million in 2016 and being expected to increase to USD 543.5 million by 2019. This industry has been increasing at a compounded yearly rate of 7% between 2014 and 2016, being projected…
If you are interested in changing company types in Lebanon, it is important to know that the way to do this is by closing the existing company and then setting up a new one under the form you require. As follows, our company formation agents in Lebanon explain what the main types of…
Foreign entrepreneurs and local investors are able to open a company in Lebanon without any restrictions. In this article, we analyze the share capital in Lebanon which is needed to set up different legal entities in this country. The share capital in Lebanon for joint stock companies In order to set up a joint…
In this article, our company formation advisors in Lebanon present a few of the most attractive investment industries in Lebanon. The tourism industry in Lebanon The tourism and travel industries in Lebanon are major players in the economy of the country. Their total contribution to the GDP of Lebanon is of around 20%. Important private…
A shelf company is an entity which has already been registered with the local authorities and which is why is also called a ready-made company. Therefore, it is a legal entity with its own directors and owners. However, it does not have any economic activities. In this article, our company formation consultants in Lebanon explain…
A subsidiary company in Lebanon is a company in which another, usually larger, corporation, named the parent company, owns the majority of the shares. Being the proprietor of the subsidiary, the parent company can control the subsidiary activities. As follows, our company formation consultants in Lebanon explain the procedure of opening a subsidiary here and other aspects related to this subject. Registering…
Foreign companies can do business in Lebanon under the Code of Commerce. A company is considered foreign in this country if its head office is located outside Lebanon. Branches in Lebanon are able to undertake commercial activities in the country, effectuate all contracts and refer to matters to local courts. In this article,…