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Why Invest in Lebanon?

Why Invest in Lebanon?

A junction point of trade networks for thousands of years and a unique cultural and religious country, Lebanon is once more arising as an international and regional hub for finance, trade, services, culture and tourism. As follows, our company formation consultants in Lebanon present a few reasons why invest in Lebanon. 1. Lebanon has an…
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Company Liquidation in Lebanon

Company Liquidation in Lebanon

A company liquidation in Lebanon implies either the process of a company dissolution, ending it and redistributing its assets and property to its shareholders, or a merger sale of the business. In this article, our company formation advisors in Lebanon make a brief overview of the company liquidation in this country. Liquidation of a joint liability company…
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Buy a Shelf Company in Lebanon

Buy a Shelf Company in Lebanon

A shelf company is an entity which has already been registered with the local authorities and which is why is also called a ready-made company. Therefore, it is a legal entity with its own directors and owners. However, it does not have any economic activities. In this article, our company formation consultants in Lebanon explain…
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Open a Subsidiary in Lebanon

Open a Subsidiary in Lebanon

A subsidiary company in Lebanon is a company in which another, usually larger, corporation, named the parent company, owns the majority of the shares. Being the proprietor of the subsidiary, the parent company can control the subsidiary activities. As follows, our company formation consultants in Lebanon explain the procedure of opening a subsidiary here and other aspects related to this subject. Registering…
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Establish a Branch in Lebanon

Establish a Branch in Lebanon

Foreign companies can do business in Lebanon under the Code of Commerce. A company is considered foreign in this country if its head office is located outside Lebanon. Branches in Lebanon are able to undertake commercial activities in the country, effectuate all contracts and refer to matters to local courts. In this article,…
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Open a Limited Liability Company in Lebanon

Open a Limited Liability Company in Lebanon

The limited liability company (LLC) in Lebanon, locally known as a SARL, is generally utilized for setting up a small business in the country. The minimum paid-up capital for such a company here is USD 3,400 and it should have at least three shareholders. As follows, our company formation consultants in Lebanon explain different details related…
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Virtual Office in Lebanon

Virtual Office in Lebanon

Entrepreneurs who are interested to open a company in Lebanon can do so by acquiring a virtual office package, which confers plenty of advantages. One of the main values of a virtual office is represented by lower current expenses which the investors will have to acquit monthly. This type of office in Lebanon is mainly advisable for business individuals…
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Company Formation Guide in Lebanon

Company Formation Guide in Lebanon

Lebanon is a country with a strong tradition related to the local free trade and investment policies. It has an economy which is characterized by free transfers and exchanges, based on private initiative. In this article, our company formation consultants in Lebanon present a brief guide on the Lebanese company formation procedures. Main types…
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